Strona główna » Entry form

TICA show rules say: "In order for a cat to be shown without a registration number, that cat must be eligible for registration and competition in TICA in the class in which the cat is to be shown." Since May 1st, 2019, TICA requires you to actually prove that your cat is eligible if you enter it without a registration number. Any of the following documents are considered proof:

A copy (scan or good quality photo) of such a document(s) should be attached to your entry. You can attach files to this entry form or send them later to the Entry Clerk. We recommend attaching the files directly to this form - this will speed up the entering process.

Exhibitor info
First name:
Last name:
Zip code:
Phone no:
Repeat e-mail:
Entry 1
Cat name:
Sex: male female neuter spay
Birth date (yyyy-mm-dd): - -
TICA num:
no TICA num, documents proving eligibility for registration in championship:

Current TICA title:
entry in offer 3 in double cage
Entry for: both days Saturday
add another entry
* * *
I will bring my own cage(s) (please, indicate how many of which kind of cages you are bringing):
    Sturdi Habitat (XXL - 70x140cm)
    Sturdi Show Shelter (60x120cm)
    Sturdi Show Shelter Single (60x60cm)
    Sturdi CarGO (54x110cm)
    Sturdi CarGO Single (54x54cm)
    other cage, dimensions:
Prove, that you are a human: How many eyes does a cat usually have? Answer:
I hereby agree for my personal data to be processed in line with the needs of organizing this show, in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection. Personal data (first and last names) will be published in show catalog.
I hereby agree for my personal data to be shared with The International Cat Association. I am aware that shared data will be protected by United States personal data protection laws, which may differ from European Union laws.
Projekt strony: Vanti
Administracja: Agata Kruszona-Zawadzka*
Copyright © 2011 Klub Kota X-Treme